Selenit portocaliu - Gips - Orange Selenite - Gypsum - Ulexite

Caracteristici ezoterice
Chakra - 2 •Numar personal - 3 •
Zodie Europeana - Rac •
Anotimp - Vara •
Remedii - casa •
Selenitul Portocaliu creeaza o atmosfera prietenoasa si productiva. Este bun pentru readucerea amintirilor din alte vieti si pentru a trimite energie vindecatoare unor persoane sau locuri.
Tipul de mineral: Ghips fibros, sulfat de calciu continand apa si avand o stralucire perlata asemanatoare cu a fratelui sau, selenitul alb.
Culori: Portocaliu.
Vindecare emotionala: Se spune ca este util pentru recapatarea identitatii de sine.
Folosinte practice: O sfera din acest cristal pusa pe masa din sufragerie da un sentiment de stare de bine.
La locul de munca: Incurajeaza creativitatea si originalitatea, aduce flexibilitate si va face mandri de munca pe care o depuneti cu placere.
Semnificatie magica: Selenitul Portocaliu poate fi un mijloc prin care sa va conectati cu spiritele Lunii si ale Pamantului.
Afirmatie: Socializarea este la fel de importanta ca si munca!
AVERTISMENT: Nu tineti Selenitul Portocaliu multa vreme in aer liber si feriti-l de lichide!
Note de Referinta:
The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, Octopus Publishing Group Ltd., 2003
The Crystal Bible 2 by Judy Hall, Octopus Publishing Group Ltd., 2009
The Crystal Bible 3 by Judy Hall, Octopus Publishing Group Ltd., 2012
101 Power Crystals by Judy Hall, Fair Winds Pres, 2011
The Book of Stones, Revised Edition: Who They Are and What They Teach by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, North Atlantic Books, 2015
Stones of The New Consciousness: Healing, Awakening and Co-creating with Crystals, Minerals and Gems by Robert Simmons, North Atlantic Books, 2009
The Crystal Bible by Cassandra Eason, Carlton Books Limited, 2010
Crystals for Love and Relationships by Cassandra Eason, Carlton Books Ltd, 2014
The Curious Lore of Precious Stones by George Frederick Kunz, Dover Publications, 1971
Stone Power II: The Legendary and Practical Use of Gems and Stones by Dorothee L. Mella, Brotherhood of Life, 1986
The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones by William T. Fernie, HarperCollins, 1981
Healing Crystals: The A-Z Guide to 555 Gemstones (Revised Edition) by Michael Gienger, Earthdancer Books, 2014
The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones by Ann Margaret Lembo, Llewellyn Publications, 2013
The Metaphysical Book of Gem and Crystals by Florence Megemont, Healing Arts Press, 2007
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, Llewellyn Publications, Second Edition 1998
Produse pentru Selenit portocaliu - Gips - Orange Selenite - Gypsum - Ulexite

Bol din selenit portocaliu mineral natural rotund - 9-10 x 9-10 x 2,5 cm - 1 buc
75,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite

Bol din selenit portocaliu mineral natural inima - 9-10 x 10-11 x 2-3 cm - 1 buc
85,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc.jpg)
 - 1 Buc1.jpg)
Selenit portocaliu brut natural - 80-115 x 28-43 x 20-30 mm - ( xxl ) - 1 buc
38,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc.jpeg)
 - 1 Buc1.jpg)
Selenit portocaliu brut natural - 100-130 x 35-40 x 20-30 mm - ( xxl ) - 1 buc
49,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc.jpg)
 - 1 Buc1.jpg)
Selenit portocaliu brut natural - 73-112 x 30-42 x 14-26 mm - ( xxl ) - 1 buc
29,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc.jpeg)
 - 1 Buc1.jpg)
Selenit portocaliu brut natural - 70-85 x 22-35 mm - ( xxl ) - 1 buc
12,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite

Bol din selenit portocaliu metatron 101-104 x 101-104 x 32-35 mm - 1 buc
100,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc.jpg)
 - 1 Buc.jpg)
Selenit portocaliu rulat natural - 25-28 x 17-24 mm - ( l ) - 1 buc
8,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc.jpg)
 - 1 Buc1.jpg)
Selenit portocaliu rulat natural - 34-40 x 21-26 mm - ( xl ) - 1 buc
10,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc.jpg)
 - 1 Buc.jpg1.jpeg)
Selenit portocaliu rulat natural - 20-25 x 18-22 mm - ( m ) - 1 buc
5,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite

Bol din selenit portocaliu natural - 79-83 x 79-83 x 31-33 mm - 1 buc
45,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - Unicat1.jpg)
 - Unicat1.jpg)
Merkaba piatra naturala selenit portocaliu - 48x48 mm - ( xxl ) - unicat
189,00 Lei Stoc Epuizat Adauga la favorite

Selenit portocaliu rulat natural - 26-35 x 22-28 mm - ( l ) - 1 buc
12,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite

Selenit portocaliu rulat natural - 18-18 x 18-21 mm - ( m ) - 1 buc
5,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite

Pendul din selenit portocaliu diamant cu bila cuart alb - 46-48 x 18-20 mm - 1 buc
28,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc-1920x1920-1920x1920.jpg)
 - 1 Buc-1920x1920-1920x1920.jpg)
Inima din selenit portocaliu mineral natural - 40-44 x 49-51 x 20-23 mm - (xxl) - 1 buc
22,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc-1920x1920.jpg)
 - 1 Buc-1920x1920.jpg)
Inima din selenit portocaliu mineral natural - 49-56 x 61-62 x 25-27 mm - (xxl) - 1 buc
25,00 Lei Stoc Epuizat Adauga la favorite

Pandant selenit portocaliu obelisc 30-40 x 7-10 mm - 1 buc
19,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite

Piatra naturala unicat selenit portocaliu inima 49-55 x 59-66 x 24-28 mm ( xxl ) - 1 buc
25,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite

Cristal natural selenit portocaliu rulat 65-70 x 52-56 x 25-29 mm ( xxl ) - 1 buc
25,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite - 1 Buc.jpg)
 - 1 Buc.jpg)
Palm stone selenit portocaliu natural - 52-61 x 47-56 mm - (xxl) - 1 buc
25,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite

Cristal natural selenit portocaliu rulat aprox. 35 x 28-34 mm ( l ) - 1 buc
8,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite

Sfera selenit orange 78 - 81 mm - 1 buc
65,00 Lei Adauga in cos Adauga la favorite
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